Enterprise Gold or higher

Barcodes using ASP

Setting up ActiveBarcode for IIS and ASP.NET & ASP

Using ActiveBarcode to display barcodes on Internet sites with IIS and ASP.NET is very simple. A standard installation of IIS and ASP.NET is usually sufficient. If you have not installed ASP.NET yet, do this first. You can install ASP by using a server role. This role is located at Web Server (IIS) -> Web Server -> Application Development -> ASP.NET [..]

ActiveBarcode: Server Roles

Additional to IIS and ASPX you need the barcode object. If you have installed ActiveBarcode, the barcode object is already installed. The Internet-license must be installed, too. You received instructions on this with your purchase. The trial version does not require a license.

To use the ASPX demo, copy the contents of the folder c:\program files (x86)\activebarcode\aspx\ to a subfolder of the inetpub folder. E.g.: c:\inetpub\wwwroot\aspx\

Now open open the URL http://localhost/aspx/.
An example page will open that shows and explains how to create barcodes dynamically.

ActiveBarcode: ASPX Demo

How to use the barcode object with ASPX

The easiest way to create barcodes dynamically is to use 'barcodeimage.aspx'. It's a wrapper for the barcode object so that you can create barcodes and use them as images in any html page using the HTML img tag.

'barcodeimage.aspx' is found in c:\program files (x86)\activebarcode\aspx and must be copied to a folder that is covered by IIS. (E.g. \inetpub\wwwroot\aspx-activebarcode-demo\)

In your html pages you use 'barcodeimage.aspx' with the img tag:
<img src="barcodeimage.aspx">
A barcode with default values will be shown:

ActiveBarcode: Barcode

To define the barcode content and other attributes, you add parameters.

Example with parameters to create the specifc barcode shown below:
  <img src="barcodeimage.aspx?code=CODE39EXTENDED&

ActiveBarcode: Barcode

More information: Parameter list for 'barcodeimage.aspx'.
Troubleshooting ASP Error 0178 Serverobject-Error 'ASP 0178 : 80070005'
Server.CreateObject-Access failure
Server.CreateObject Access to this object was denied.

The OCX file is missing Execute- and Read-rights for IUSR_xxxxxx.
Add the missing rights to ActiveBarcode.ocx so that IUSR_XXX can read it.
Troubleshooting ASP Error 250 Script Engine Exception = Application settings not correct.

This error message indicates that the application settings for the directory where the script is running are not set correctly.
To do this, start the Internet Service Manager and make sure that the \activebarcode directory is set to "Scripts and executable files". It may be necessary to create an application first. As application name you can choose any one. Application protection: Low (IIS process).
ActiveBarcode: InfoThis documentation better suited for a different use case: