Barcode objects with VBA
Using and automating barcodes with VBA in PowerPoint
You can easily solve many things with VisualBasic for Applications (VBA). Here we show you briefly,
how to integrate the barcode object into a PowerPoint presentation using VBA, use it, and remove it again:
This is how to insert the ActiveBarcode Control into the active slide using VBA:
In this example, the barcode is placed at the specified position and size into the slide.
The object can then be addressed via "ab":
Dim ab As ShapeNow you can change the standard properties (e.g. height, width) of the OLE object using the properties of the variable "ab":
Set ab = Application.ActiveWindow.View.Slide.Shapes.AddOLEObject(Left:=100,
Top:=100, Width:=300, Height:=150, ClassName:="ACTIVEBARCODE.BarcodeCtrl.1")
ab.Width = 200You can access the properties and methods of the barcode object using the "OLEFormat.Object" property. Here are a few examples:
ab.Height = 120
ab.OLEFormat.Object.Type = 6If you no longer need the control within the macro/slide (for example, after printing), you can easily remove it:
ab.OLEFormat.Object.Text = "987698769812"
ab.OLEFormat.Object.Rotate = 90
ab.DeleteHint: Should it be necessary for Windows to process pending events in a macro in between (often also called "KeepWindowsAlive"), you can force this by using the following VBA function:
DoEventsThis may be necessary, for example, if the control needs to redraw itself.